Ibn i batuta

What is Ibn Battuta famous for?

What is Ibn Baṭṭūṭah known for? Ibn Baṭṭūṭah was a medieval Muslim traveler who wrote one of the world's most famous travel logs, the Riḥlah. This great work describes the people, places, and cultures he encountered in his journeys along some 75,000 miles (120,000 km) across and beyond the Islamic world.

When did Ibn Battuta visit India?

1334 In 1334, Ibn Battuta arrived in India all the way through the mountains of Afghanistan during the time of the Tughlaq dynasty.

Which country is rich in Ibn Battuta?

According to ibn battita China is the richest and wealthiest country….

Did Ibn Battuta discover anything?

Finally, a year and half after leaving home, he reached Mecca and completed his pilgrimage. Ibn Battuta discovered during his pilgrimage that he loved to travel. He liked seeing new places, experiencing different cultures, and meeting new people. He decided to continue traveling.

What does the name Ibn mean?

son of The nasab is the patronymic and starts with bin or ibn, which means “son of”, or bint, which means “daughter of”. It acknowledges the father of the child. … The nasab often follows the ism, so that you have, for example, Fahad ibn Abdul Aziz, which means “Fahad, son of Abdul Aziz”.

What Ibn Battuta wrote about India?

Ibn Battuta's book of travels, called Rihla, written in Arabic. His account is often compared with that of Marco Polo, who visited China (and also India) from his home base in Venice in the late thirteenth century.

Why did Ibn Battuta visit India?

And it was from Sultan Muhammad Tughluq that Ibn Battuta hoped to gain employment. Thus, to work for this man was dangerous. But the rewards could be great. In late 1334, Ibn Battuta went to Delhi to seek official employment and he signed a contract agreeing that he would stay in India.