Blue french bulldog

How much do blue French Bulldogs cost?

How much are Blue French Bulldogs? Blue French Bulldogs from professional breeders can range in price from $1,500 to $4,000 and higher in the United States, sometimes costing more than double the price of a standard Frenchie.

Is a blue French Bulldog rare?

The blue color comes from a very rare dilute gene and is responsible for their coat changing color from black to blue/gray. … It also affects their eye color, so that's why is not surprising to see a little blue coated Frenchie with blue eyes.

How much is a blue fawn French bulldog?

Pricing for Blue fawn French Bulldogs varies from breeder to breeder, but they can cost anywhere from $4,000-$10,000.

How do you get a blue French bulldog?

The blue coat color is caused by a recessive gene. The Blue French Bulldog is primarily set apart because of the manifestation of a single gene in their DNA. The smooth blue-gray coat color is caused by a recessive gene known as the dilution gene.

Is my Frenchie lilac or blue?

When a Lilac French bulldog is born, its coat may resemble a coat of a blue Frenchie. As it matures, its coat gets a lighter coloration and a visible Lilac hue. The eyes in a Lilac French bulldog are usually blue, light grey or amber.

Are blue Frenchies healthy?

Unfortunately, while many people find this face shape 'cute,' it can have some serious health implications for these little dogs. These include increased risks of overheating, obstructed airways, narrow nostrils, issues with their eye sockets, and dental problems.

Are blue dogs unhealthy?

"Blue dogs" are dogs who have a dilution of normal coat colors as well as various other body parts. Dogs with this abnormality are prone to coat problems such as color dilution alopecia, a condition that is genetically linked to the abnormal color and that can result in skin problems.